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프렌즈 시즌2-6.The One With the Baby on the Bus SCENE. 아기를 잘 CARE 하지 못하는 모니카의 걱정에 대해 대화하는 장면 MONICA : He hates me! my nephew hates me! ROSS : come on. don't do this. MONICA : what if my own baby hates me? what am i gonna do then? CHANDLER : come on. will you stop? This is nuts. Do you know how long it's gonna be before you actually have to deal with this problem? I mean, you don't even have a boyfriend yet. Joey, she does not look fat. 모니카 : .. 2020. 1. 28.
프렌즈 시즌5 - 11.작심삼일(4) SCENE1. 모니카와 챈들러는 상황을 마무리하고, 세탁하러 둘이 나가는 상황 - SCENE1 Monica : Okay, now that everything's wrapped up here, I think I'm gonna go do my laundry. Chandler : Oh yeah, me too. y'know if this shirt is dirty. (They both exit) 모니카 : 마무리 된거 같네, 나는 세탁하러 가야겠다. 챈들러 : 나도. 셔츠가 더러운거 같에. SCENE2. 둘이 사귀는 사이임을 서로 알고 있지만, 직접적으로 말하지 못하는 조이와 레이첼 - SCENE2 Rachel: Remember that big thing I was gonna tell you about? Joe.. 2020. 1. 23.
프렌즈 시즌5 - 11.작심삼일(3) SCENE. 조이가 피비에게 사과하고 다시 기타 선생님이 되어 달라고 하는 장면. JOEY I wanna apologize for saying that your method was stupid and ask you to be my teacher again. I promise. I won't the touch guitar until you say i am ready. 나는 너의 가르침의 방법에 대해 바보같다고 한점 사과하고 싶어, 그리고 다시한번 내 선생님이 되어줘. 약속컨데, 나는 너가 준비되었다고 얘기하기 전까지 기타를 안만질꺼야~ 2020. 1. 22.
프렌즈 시즌5 - 11.작심삼일(2) SCENE2. JOEY와 RACHEL이 모니카와 챈들러의 관계에 대해 옥신각신하는 장면 - 영문대본 - JOEY : Do you know something? RACHEL : Do you know something? JOEY : I might know something. RACHEL : I might know something too. JOEY : what's the thing you know? RACHEL : oh, no. I can't tell you since you tell me what you know. JOEY : I can't tell you what i know. RACHEL : Well then I can't tell you what i know JOEY : Okay, Fine JOEY :.. 2020. 1. 21.
프렌즈 시즌5 - 11.작심삼일(1) SCENE1. ROSS 가 가죽바지가 땀이차서, 조이에게 전화해서 도움을 요청하는 장면 - 영문대본- JOEY : Hello? ROSS : JOEY. It's ROSS!! I need some help! JOEY : CHANDLER is not here. ROSS : You can help me! JOEY : Okay. ROSS: Listen, I'm in ELIZABETH's bathroom. JOEY : Nice! ROSS : No. I got really hot in my leather pants / So i took them off / but they must have shrunk from the sweat or my legs expanded from the heat / I can't put th.. 2020. 1. 20.